Tenders A to Z has a proven capability in financial tender responses, and has received personal commendations on the high standard of our tender writing from Goldman Sachs, one of the most successful and affluent financial organisations in the world. We have also tendered extensively across the financial sector for large corporations such as Wesfarmers and ANZ, and have won large contracts for clients bidding to work with Department of Treasury and Finance.
Our approach to writing finance tenders for financial services focuses on close consultation with yourself or your company representatives to determine your points of difference and establish a competitive position. This is then analysed by our Consultants to develop “win themes” for your tender, which form the basis of your tender response, outlining why the contract should be awarded to your company as opposed to alternative providers.
In order to provide you with a finance tender that addresses the response criteria and key considerations of the project in a manner that ensures your satisfaction, our writing methodology involves you in the consultation and review process. After drafting the initial response, clients have the opportunity to review the tender document and provide feedback, recommending changes and additions. We then re draft your response accordingly and allow you to do a final approval before submission, ensuring your tender is compliant and written to a standard you are happy with.

All industries. All budgets. Australia-wide.
Qualified, experienced writers with a vast range of industry backgrounds, located in major centres nationally.
Competitive tender submissions on time and on budget. Guaranteed.